Our Activities

We impact farmer’s lives in rural communities through the following activities

Rural Farmers Sensitization Campaigns

RFSN reaches out to rural Farmers and create awareness on how to manage agricultural input chemicals and its labelling, the consequences of the poor management of agric input chemicals and how to identify some crops free from toxicity that are wealthy for human consumption

Agricultural Seminars

We organize seminars with rural Farmers where we inquire the various difficulties that they face in crops production process and guide them on how to manage those difficulties. We also train them during seminars the different types of fertilizers and the different crops and periods to apply the fetilizers. We also teach them on the duration and conditions crops are good for consumption after the application of fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides. Lastly, we train rural Farmers on how to manage agricultural input chemicals when spraying, how to protect the body and how to follow the direction of the wind while spraying

Farm Activities Follow up

We teach rural Farmers new farming techniques and follow them up in farms to make sure that they effectively apply them. We also demonstrate to them on farms how to protect the body when handling chemicals and equally demonstrate to them the various parameters to understand if the vegetable is free from toxicity or not. We equally demonstrate to them some of the signs of active chemicals on crops that could be consumed ignorantly and what to do when noticed. This is to reduce health deficiencies caused by agric input chemicals on crops.

Provision of information

We bridge communication crackdown of the labelling of agricultural inputs by decoding the abbreviations and formulae to rural Farmers. We inform them on new seeds and new farming techniques and tool. We equally look forward to creating Rural Farmers WhatsApp group to enable the circulations of information that concerns rural Farmers go rapid and viral. Lastly we update them on every vital information that will help to boost rural agriculture and bring security to food consumed

Training on new farming techniques

We give rural Farmers up to date farming techniques. This is done through training sessions with experts in rural Farmers support network

Material support

We support rural Farmers with quality seeds, sprayers, agric input chemicals like fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, rain coats, rain boots and other farming tools

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